Surviving the Side Hustle

Harnessing Healing Energy and Spiritual Growth: Audrye Arbe's Journey to Personal Evolution and Positive Transformation

Coach Rob Season 1 Episode 62

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What if you could harness the power of healing energy and spiritual growth to transform your life? Join us as we converse with the inspiring Audrye Arbe, who shares her wisdom on personal evolution from her serene home in Costa Rica. Audrye dives deep into practices that can keep us centered during turbulent astrological shifts involving Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Discover how her unique frequency stones can elevate your vibrational frequency and why it's essential to focus on positive evolution rather than succumbing to fear.

In this episode, we uncover the innate human capacity for change and growth, drawing from Audrye's personal journey of relocating and caring for loved ones. Through practical methods like meditation, breathing exercises, and physical activity, Audrye guides us on transcending the ego to embrace our higher selves. Her compelling anecdotes highlight the resilience within us all, encouraging listeners to believe in their potential for significant longevity and continuous transformation.

Prepare for a deeply soothing guided meditation session led by Audrye, designed to fill you with healing energy and promote well-being. With emphasis on the importance of daily practice, Audrye shares her insights on self-love, pushing personal boundaries, and maintaining a positive mindset. This empowering episode is a treasure trove of wisdom on prioritizing self-care and embracing your full potential. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life with Audrye Arby's uplifting energy and messages.

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What's going on everybody? Today we've got Audrey Arby on today. Very interesting individual. I can't wait to dive in and hear a little bit about her story and see what's going on. So we'll take it from there. How are you doing today?


I'm actually doing really well and you can tell by what I'm wearing. I'm in a warm climate, I am in Costa Rica and I'm looking at what you're wearing and it's like no, not here, not now.


Yeah, it's still a little warm up here. We're in Stanford, connecticut, and it's getting colder though. Okay, so doing well, connecticut. And it's getting colder though. Okay, so doing well, though Doing great. You said so, tell me.


I'm like any well, I don't know about anyone else, but like many people, I'm in the process of evolving. There are challenges. I'm not going to tell you what's all easy. It isn't, and I can talk about some of the personal challenges, actually, if you'd like, in a moment. But I am doing well and what I have learned is one of the things I've learned is, first off, to do really well I personally and I recommend this to everyone my clients Well, I personally, and I recommend this to everyone my clients all the stuff I do.


We have to learn how to be centered inside. If we don't learn that and do practices on a regular basis, which for me is daily, we can go off in a very uncomfortable way. And why that is particularly important now, at this time, is because we are in such a time of shift and change. I've never seen anything like it and, as I had said to Rob when I first got to meet him, I'm in my eighth decade, so I've been around for half a moment or two and I've not seen this before. None of us have. Okay, I'm not the only one, and I mean we have planets. Pluto, which just went back to Capricorn, is going to be going into Aquarius on November 19th and stay there for about 20 years 19, 20 years the next year, next year, 25,. Neptune is going to to in April I don't remember the date, but in April I could look it up but in April it's going to come outside of Pisces, its ruler, and go into Aries. That is going to be so different. Pisces is a more dreamy Aries kind of energy. And then Uranus, the planet of change, rapid change. Surprise. Some people think it's revolutionary. It can be. It's also evolutionary. It's going to be going from Taurus, also a more stable kind of planet, to Gemini, and Gemini is a much it's an air sign, is a much more different kind of energy. So we're going to have three planets, the outer planets and I still consider Pluto a planet, by the way all changing signs within three years.


I've never seen that and that's going to bring change. Do we need it? Yes, yes, I've had people ask me what is it all happening now? And I can give you a whole lot of talk, like the one who can give you in specific and cycles and the dates and all that is Greg Braden. I can't give it to you like him. I can give it to you like a psychic, though, and I can give it to you like a metaphysician and a spiritual woman and some of what he knows. It's time for us to evolve. Simply put, it is time and the universe is cooperating with us by making things happen that, quite frankly and this is said with love it's evolved now in a gentle way, but keep it going.


Well, you may not be here in a healthy manner for what's coming, and I know a lot of people are scared because, oh, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared. No, too many people. How do I say this? Nicely? We can't be motivated by fear. When a person is motivated by fear, or does almost anything out of fear, whatever they do is almost always the correct thing. Okay, I meditate, I do breathing attunements every day. I teach them. I will do one here, because Rob is giving me permission, and whether I do a longer one or a shorter one, it helps balance me, and I'm one of these people. I always used to call myself a very person V-E-R-Y. I feel very this, or I feel very that. I'm not very just. Meh, I'm not that kind of person. Okay, as a psychic and healer, I've got gifts, that is for sure. As an artist. I am now painting frequency stones. I don't know. Can you see this? Is it in front of?


in addition to being thank you, to being lovely, which beauty? Beauty itself changes our frequency. It literally can shift our brain patterns, our wiring, to a higher level.


Just seeing something that's beautiful.


Beauty by looking at and being surrounded in beauty can do that, wow, okay. And because these are real rocks, they're from Costa Rica either the beach this one's not from the beach or on the road, or something like that. It's not plastic. You're not going to get those micro things. Okay, I forgot that. Yeah, okay, yeah, this is real and I pick them up. If they speak to me, they don't actually say hi. Audrey Imagines.


And I pick them up. If they speak to me they don't actually say hi, audrey, but if they Imagine.


I put my but as I'm doing my life. If it vibes with me, I go okay, and I will pick it up, and then I paint it. Okay, and yeah, they're all available. I'm sending them now to clients and people in the United States and elsewhere. So, yeah, so it's a time of change.


And can we let me give you this can we prosper through this? Can we be healthy? Can we do well? Yes, we can. Does it take something? Yes, it does. This is not the time to decide. I'll just sleep through the next few years. No, take pauses, definitely, but sleep through it all. You'll be missing some of the most exciting stuff. And if we're here and if you're hearing me, we're here. We chose to be born at this time to experience this. And can we be healthy?


I'm in my 80s and although sometimes the upkeep, I don't always want to exercise, now and then I don't get to it, but by and large, I do some kind of exercise every day. And is that needed? Yes, that whole use it or lose it? Yes, yeah. So what do I offer people? Is that what you asked me about me? I'm a healer, I'm a psychic, I'm an artist. I have how many? Oh, this is one of my books. What if you are? And life is miraculous. It is printed on a hundred percent post-consumer, recycled paper. I walk my talk. This is some of the inside. It is so cute yeah, it's not me bragging.


It's me looking at this stuff and wondering who did it, even when I know I did it, and going thank you, thank you, I mean holy cow. Yeah, my graphic designer designed it but, I, wrote it, she made the letters and she put it all together and did an A1 job it looks really awesome.


I love it. Thank you.


Well, it's online and people can get free samplers. I have four books of all of the books on my website, audrey, now A-U-D-R-Y-E that's how I spell it A-U-D-R-Y-E-N-O-Wcom, d-r-y-e-n-o-wcom.


Audrey. Now, yeah, I want to go back for a second there, because you started to dive deep into change and you had mentioned how individuals who might not be necessarily open to change they might not necessarily be around or in the same headspace or same person and it's time to change for many reasons. What do you say to somebody who's open to changing but might be fearful that they're unable to change? Have you ever encountered anybody like that?


Of course, sometimes it was me. I mean, I think we've all had that. No, I don't want to do it. Go away. Okay, we're all capable of change. If you ever look at well, not a baby the second it's born, give it a few moments. But if you look at little kids, when I first watched my daughter start to learn to crawl, okay, I didn't mean to laugh at my baby. Okay, I had the best, cutest, the most amazing child. We all think that. But mine, for me, was, rather than moving forward, which is the way she moved backward, and I would start her foot, she'd go backwards. So I took her little hands and start to move them just a little, and her little legs, and she's learned how to do it. I don't know if they all go backwards first or whatever, but they'll persevere.


It is innate in us not just you and I, in our species, to choose to grow and evolve, and it is innate in us to go to the next, higher, more open, more productive, more loving space. Does everyone want to do it? No, because so many people and it's been me on occasion, I have to tell you are run by ego. Rather than I spell self, capital S little. S-e-l-f stands for soul, essence, self. That's the capital S and the little s is ego, personality, self. Now, I spell like that everywhere. Okay, it's on email, I mean I spell it that way and then indicate what that means, because if all anyone is ruled by is their ego, you're not going to grow, you won't. It's a little bit like this, and when it hits against its resistance, that's where it's going to stay stuck. So we have to go higher, which is why I personally do breathing attunements and I learn other techniques. I jump on my rebounder.


When I was in the States, I was at the gym three times a week. Okay, that was interesting and I liked the gym and I'm going to start yoga again. I walk almost every day and I don't walk slowly. I walk like a New Yorker, okay, Unless I'm really tired, and then more, more slowly, because people here do not walk like that. It's costa rica, that is not the way people walk, um, but I still have, and I probably always will have, and I can rev it up when I want the new york vibe because I'm born there and I spent a big part of my life. I'm born in bro, brooklyn, brooklyn, born.


Nice, nice, nice.


And stayed with the family. They moved to Long Island when I was eight. I went to college, upstate, did not like it, quit and then went back because I found I couldn't do much of anything at all. So I did finish and that was a whole different thing. And then I moved into the city and anyone from New York will know when you say the city, that means Manhattan, okay and was a city woman for many, many, many years. So I used to know the city I don't know it now because I haven't been there in a while and then I had a vibe this was after many years that it was time to go, which I could not imagine being anywhere other than New York.


I had the typical New Yorker's attitude After this, there's nothing, there's nothing, okay. But my mother was coming to the completion of her time on the planet. She was in Florida. I moved to Florida. My sister had found an apartment under on the floor beneath my mother. So I mean to me that was divinely appointed and that's where I moved for a while. Completely different, and how long were you?


down there for.


Florida 25, 20 years, something like that. I can throw out numbers like they mean nothing and then I look and start laughing. But I will say it again I've been on the planet so far 82 years and counting. And I'm going to say only only because my guide showed me years ago and if I said this I didn't used to want to say it because I thought people would say things I didn't need them to say to me but I already know that there are people that just don't understand certain things.


Okay, but I was shown at the time this was years ago that we have it within us to easily live 150 or 250 years, provided we take care of ourselves, and that includes clean air Clean air, okay, which you have to find it okay and other ways of clearing your mind, growing, evolving, being involved in something that you love, helping, going higher, being connected to. We all are connected to what you call main spirit, whatever your language might be. Then they told me we actually have it within ourselves to actually live one to two thousand years. Now have I done that? No, I'm a mere 82 and change and would I like to? Yeah, healthily and healthfully. I would absolutely love to, because there's so much Can you imagine sipping through the universe, going through time tunnels, coming through other realms I mean it's exciting and being healthy and growing and evolving and figure out what in the world we really are. I mean, what do we use? 10 to 15 percent of our brain, that's not a lot, yeah.


It's small. I mean, what do we use?


10% to 15% of our brain. That's not a lot, it's small. So how do people change if they're scared? Learn how to meditate. I'll do the breathing attunement now. Do this breathing attunement. It's called the Lifting Process. I learned it from Patricia Hayes different than Louise Hay when I was studying the psychic healing arts at her then school, and now they have a university.


And I'll explain what we're going to do and then we're going to do it. I'm going to take this out because these things will pull energy when I do this. Yes, this is, I know I have fuzzy hair and, um, it's good though.


Thank you, okay, uh, yeah, I definitely have fuzzy hair. Okay, so it's called the lifting process, because we're going to be lifting our frequency. You don't have to do anything, you simply allow it. I'm going to be guiding it because I'm a channel and I love to send healing energy. I just love to. I'm technically or not technically a light channel, because you can send it. That wasn't sending it, that was just moving my hands. And so what I'm going to do is lift my frequency, which I can't talk when I do that, because I'm doing that. And then I'm going to guide, I'm going to send healing energy to all you all.


If you don't want it, you simply say you don't want it. It won't come at you. This is not an invasion, this is a gift. And then, if you do want it, you simply allow. It is a gift. And then, if you do want it, you simply allow it. And if, by the way, if you're driving a car or you're on a bike, or you're using a knife to cut up tomato or you're watching the baby, do that, only do this breathing attunement and listen to me when you're fully able to do it.


Pay attention to the third dimensional reality, because we are so far still third dimensional, the third dimensional reality, because we are so far still third dimensional, even though we're shifting. So pay attention to your health and well-being. So let me just say that. And then, after we do that part where I send stuff at you, I'm going to guide you and say you're getting higher and lighter and freer. All you have to do is allow it.


Then I'm going to let you float that's my language, okay. And then I'm going to bring you forward and at a certain point, as we do this, your eyes are going to want to close. Let them be comfortable. Take off your shoes, depending where you are, obviously, okay, be comfortable, take off your shoes. Loosen anything that's tight. This isn't going. Look at how little my waist is. This is where you're going to be breathing and allow it. And if you can't do that now, then watch the show again or listen to it again and then do it, and then learn it and do it for yourself, okay. So now I'm going to lift my frequency. You do it too, of course.


So you'll notice.


Okay, thank you. Fill up with healing white energy. You are protected, you are blessed. Exhale, rest, exhale, breathe in golden energy into your heart and your heart center. Breathe in, slowly, exhale, breathe in, breathe in beautiful, fuchsia, pink energy. Allow your being to surrender to the beauty of what might look like a sunrise, sunset, anything that is gorgeous to you. Allow yourself to fill up. You are protected, you are blessed, you are healthy, you are healed. You are healed, you are safe.


And now continue breathing at your own pace and allow yourself to get higher and higher, lighter and lighter, freer and freer. You're getting higher, higher, lighter, freer. You're getting higher, lighter, freer, freer, lighter, higher. This is easy for you. Higher lighter, you feel wonderful, you're safe, you're protected. You are wonderful, you're safe, you're protected, you are blessed. Higher, lighter, freer.


I am now going to let you be in your own energy. I will return and bring you forward. Meanwhile, allow yourself to bask in this energy and enjoy. Thank you. Now, as you feel ready, keeping your eyes closed, you may slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and toes. To wiggle your fingers and toes. You may slowly begin to move your hands on your wrists. You may slowly begin to move your feet on your ankles, you may slowly begin to move your body, perhaps sway a little bit or tap your body and, as you feel ready, with your eyes still closed, have your head gently upright in a relaxed manner on your neck, facing forward, again relaxed and, as you feel ready, at your own pace, slow and notice how you feel, feel great.


That was awesome. Thank you so much.


That was, that was incredible to go through yeah, yeah, I do it every day and see when you do it yourself. You can do it long. I can add a lot of stuff to this. I could take you on journeys, I can do stuff with this and you'll be very uplifted. But the people and I've been this people sometimes, okay, that get nervous about change and anything like that, because our species can get that way. Our species can sometimes go to fear before it goes to oh good, something new. Yay, it can go to fear first. Goes to oh good, something new. Yay, it can go to fear first.


When you do this regularly, don't save it for special occasions. This is something you do every day, like you breathe every day. You can do it for a longer period of time, or this is a relatively short period of time, and I know I started it by sending energy to you and you may not yet know how to do that, which I can teach you, by the way, I do teach this stuff. You can start with simply sitting there, breathing light into your heart and then saying slowly no rush, no push, no, need not that that you're getting higher and higher, lighter and lighter, freer and freer, and you will have a good result. And once you start doing it every day and I know I've taught this to a lot of people, so I've gotten feedback it's not like I don't know this, and for my own self, it becomes your norm, like the place you get to that becomes, I call it, your go-to place where you go to. It's not that this becomes then for someone who might be concerned about change or whatnot or whatever. You'll do this beforehand, but you go to this place and you don't. Anybody doesn't get as round and do I live this? I have to look this. Okay, you would ask that I have any challenge. My sister passed away. This is what's today's date, today's 18th. We're on the Eclipse, we're on the actual Eclipse 26 degrees Pisces. Okay, okay, I'm a Cancerian, but it trines my sun, so it's perfectly doing this, okay, anyway, yes, I read charts. If anyone's interested, I do do that also. And so what was I going to say? Right? So my sister ascended to her next highest level after her birth life on July 25th, so it's almost two months, and that was very challenging for me. This was not easy. There were family issues and whatnot that cracked up, propped up, that I am not going to discuss. Going to discuss.


I followed the guidance because I have learned I did not always want to follow the guidance of my guides, no, I even wanted to do what my ego wanted to do. Yes, it was I like that. Yes, Can I occasionally still be like that? Yeah, occasionally I still can. Okay, but by and large, I do follow the guidance. I have learned it is the smartest thing to do. Okay, I have learned this. And so, yeah, the higher level is, yes, it works better. And so there were some family, nevermind how I felt.


I ended up doing my own um celebration of life for her on one of the beaches here Again, I'm in Costa Rica. I did it at, uh, playa China, um China beach and all of that. And I did some other stuff for her and went through my own processes. I did certain prayers. I did them for over a month. I found people who can speak that language because I for sure can't and was singing and doing it along with them, and I talk to her now in a different way than before I had to. I'm astounded at how real I can be, but I am astounded.


I had some anger towards my sister because I had known for a while that her health wasn't what it could be. I am a healer, after all. I do know a few things and I had flown to see her last year because I was so concerned. I said what I said, so what she thought she want to hear, okay, if you can't, it doesn't work. It doesn't work.


And for anyone who does astrology I'm a Cancerian, my ascendant is Aries and I know how to do that it does not work. Okay, not under that circumstance. It just doesn't. You just get pushed back and that's not what I was looking for. So, and then that's a no. So I was processing myself and reached a place of peace and I know she's okay. I know the family, because there was some differences of opinion. I do know it will calm itself out. I have intention and I do healing work and I, on the whole, I end up having a very positive sense of reality because what I know and I've always known this, I knew this before. I had language for this and I'm born knowing that I came to the earth to quote, make things better. That was the language I used as a kid. I've always known this. I'm one of the ones that came here on a mission.


Well, I know this.


Okay, has it gone to where I'd like? No, there's still more for me to do. That's part of why I'm here doing it and enjoying it, because may as well enjoy it Anyways. So what was I going to say? Oh, I said the positive thing. We are made of light. That is what we are made thing. We are made of light, that is what we are made of. We are made of.


I'm looking to use language that would even go with what I'm learning about the quantum realm, and I'm not a physicist, I'm a metaphysicist. Metaphysician. It's different, but they are meeting. We use somewhat different language. Okay, luans, okay, I have paintings. I call that because I'm an artist.


But that's what we are made of, and the universe is everything. It's not out there, it's all of it. I'm part of the universe, you are. This is the universe, the computer is. We are all part of the universe. So everything has livingness in it. Yes, even these nice, beautiful rocks. Everything has aliveness in it. We work on ourselves, clear ourselves.


I'll discuss, if you want, genetic karmic patterning, which is language the guides gave me years back and we all have to take some responsibility for our own and simple logic. If we are made of light, love, what the all in all is made of love, what the all in all is made of. That's what we're made of. We're a piece of it. P-i-e-c-e-p-e-a-c-e. That is what we all are. Are we all operating that way? No, no, no, okay, that's a whole other question. That's what we are.


So, when we really know that and doing things like the lifting process every single day and do it longer you can do it. Shorter, you can do it to music, I mean, there's all kind of ways it's not boring, okay. Once you get into it, it's delightful, you get to know it because you become it. You become it. It's like, say, you're going to do okay, before we did the show, I did some of the lifting process. If, say, someone's having an interview or you're speaking to someone in the family that it's important, you want a certain result and you want to be at your best, you do the lifting process. But again, please, please, please, do not save this up for special occasions. Do it every day.


If you skip a day, don't go. Oh, don't do that. Don't berate yourself. Skip the day, let me catch up. It isn't catch up. I'll do it five times tomorrow. No, just do it the next day. Keep your trajectory going. That is how you'll evolve and surprisingly, because I did not know this years ago keeping it that way, you'll evolve fast. And then I have to run, I have to catch up, I have to. That just gets um person nervous, it gets them scared, it gets oh, what is it?


not actually person. That's the love energy. It's that other chemical within us cortisol, Cortisol yes that one.


It gets the cortisol going and then you get nervous, then you get disease, you get tension. You don't need it. One does not need it, it doesn't require. I forget who said to me once and this was after my 40s, my 40s, okay, we do bleh, okay.


And I was at an event and this woman she didn't know who I was, and da, da, da, da. And she was saying I had a laugh. Okay, I have to say I have to watch that I don't get like, okay. And she was saying that when you get into your forties so I listened because I was in my forties um, certain things automatically happen. I thought really, and that you start gaining weight and this and that and the other, and that was her belief system. And she was stating it to these other people who were a little bit younger, like it was actuality, fact and I could have just stayed quiet, but no, I did not. And I said it didn't really have to happen that way, it could happen differently.


And she looked at me like who are you and I'm cleaning that up a little and like who are you? And I said my name is. And I said my name and how I got to be there because it was a particular kind of group of people. And I said my name and how I got to be there because it was a particular kind of group of people and I said I am in my 40s. And I said I'm 40, whatever it was which was a year or two beyond what she was In other words, I was technically older and I said that does not have to happen. That's part of belief system and attitude and how we take care of ourselves. Now, should I have done that? Should I not have? I didn't want to have somebody saying language that was to me completely untrue and, in my opinion, scaring some of these younger women like oh, you're just going to get fatter. That's not something most women want to look forward to. I'm going to tell you that.


Well then, that's all we're going to be thinking about, and that's all that's going to end up happening.


Yeah, so I said it nicely, but I said it directly. There is a sentence it comes in handy sometimes Because the cancerium part of me nice and sweet. So yeah, yeah, this will help you, but you have to do it. It won't help you if you go nice idea, maybe tomorrow, no, yeah, do it in the now yeah, you've got to.


You got to make the commitment to it and doing it. And um, audrey, what if? What if somebody doesn't want to do it in the now? Yeah, you've got to make the commitment to it and doing it. And, audrey, what if somebody doesn't want to do it by themselves? How do they get in touch with you?


Oh, okay, well, one I have, I think, on my website. My website is getting updated and I don't look at it all the time I'm doing this, but you get in touch with me through my website, which is audrey now. This is costa rica. We have little flying things that I'm not a fan of us. A-u-d-r-y-e-n-o-wcom. Um, I'm not going to give you my email, because I get a ton of emails, although it's Audrey now with Gmail and, if you want me right in the subject line that you saw me on Rob's show because I get a lot of emails and I have tried to separate.


I am not that woman. I am the psychic healer artist. I'm not the techie lady, not so much. Or at this point I'm actually going to give a phone number because I have a US SIM card in my phone, which means that it's a free call. It's a local call If you're in the United States. I don't know if you're in Europe. I have no idea what that is, because it's like it's an American phone number. So I was stated in New York City. It's a New York number phone number. So I was stated in New York City it's a New York number. So you can call me at 917-494-0628. 917-494-0628. I used to have three different numbers. I trimmed that away. Eight I used to have three different numbers. I trimmed that away. I'm simplifying.


Which, by the way, simplify as much as you can, okay, and the time's upon us, that's going to be important. And am I a simple woman? I wouldn't say so, not really. Look, I can't paint a simple rock, simply. I mean, look, how simple is that?


I don't know about simple, but it is certainly cool looking.


Yes, well, they will shift your frequency, they'll help you be scented. They are gorgeous to look on. I have some a little smaller. They're great to hold. For someone whose hand is a little bigger than mine. This one's really nice To me. It's a little heavy and this fits really nicely. But again, I'm four foot ten. People say you're so little, you're so cute, and then I think, okay, I can't say anything because I'm four foot ten. I mean to me even that you know maybe I weigh 94 pounds give or take. So that's relatively small as a human.


Yeah, yeah, definitely.


And go ahead.


Oh no, I was just gonna say, yeah, I noticed the number that you had had there and I was gonna say, oh, costa Rica, that was interesting because that's like a tri-state area code and I was gonna bring that up before, but you kind of dove into it, cut me off and got to it for me.


Yeah, well, I could have gotten a Costa Rican number. I could have that as a side, I did stuff like that, but I now and then have to use an 800 number to pull my back. You can't do it with any of that. You just can't. And I've discovered I need to do. I pay a little more money, yes, I do. Okay, but I need the facility and the ability to do that, and everybody I know knows my number. That knows me. So I don't want to go with an. I told you I need it, simple. Yeah, I, I leave tech to someone else and anybody who has worked with me around tech will tell you we'll do it.


Let her do what she does.


Let us do this. It is not. I've spent hours looking to figure something out, hours and I still haven't gotten it. And I'm intelligent I actually am a very intelligent person. I have to have other people do that because I could get into and out of the rabbit hole. No, no, no.


Well, audrey, I want to be courteous of our time and I want to thank you for taking the time today. You shared a lot of great insight and tips too. Love the uplifting that you brought me through and all the listeners. And yeah, you talked about a lot of different things and it was really helpful pushing the boundaries and comfort zone, making sure that you're taking care of yourself, your health, like so many different things that you kind of chimed in on, and I appreciate it because it was helpful and enlightening for me and I'm sure a lot of listeners are going to take a lot of value from this as well. I hope so. But before I let you roll, I got to ask you if you were to boil all of your knowledge, all of your tips, everything down into one piece of advice. What would that one piece of advice be?


It's going to sound really simple Love, love yourself, implicitly, even this stuff. You go that, yes, love it and as you love, it'll grow and we are much more magnificent than we have any idea of. We are beyond anything, and this is an ego. We really are magnificent creatures getting ready to birth into galactic beings. Love yourself, wow, and others.


Love that, love that, love that. Thank you again so much for this, and I'm looking forward to speaking with you again soon.


I'm willing Anytime. Thank you, bye.