Surviving the Side Hustle

Empowering Communities Through Movement: Russell Rogers' Path from Personal Trainer to Wellness Pioneer

June 19, 2024 Coach Rob Season 1 Episode 46
Empowering Communities Through Movement: Russell Rogers' Path from Personal Trainer to Wellness Pioneer
Surviving the Side Hustle
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Surviving the Side Hustle
Empowering Communities Through Movement: Russell Rogers' Path from Personal Trainer to Wellness Pioneer
Jun 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 46
Coach Rob

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Can your family's wellness journey transform your community? Join us for an inspiring conversation with Russell Rogers, the mastermind behind Move Today 365, as he takes us through his transformative path from personal trainer to movement pioneer. Russell's passion for outdoor activities and sports inspired him to create a series of engaging books and monthly walks that encourage families to stay active together. Discover how his initiative is building healthier communities not just locally but across various states and Puerto Rico.

What does it take to keep your family active, rain or shine? This episode is packed with creative ideas for family fitness, from strolling with infants to flying kites and playing sports as kids grow older. Hear personal stories that highlight the importance of family time and unity, no matter the weather. Explore practical solutions for adverse conditions, such as mall walking or home stair runs, and be inspired by real-life examples of families achieving fitness goals together.

Ever wondered how simple actions can impact your mental health? Russell and I delve into the power of integrating physical activity and social interactions into daily routines to manage stress and improve well-being. We discuss balancing busy schedules with personal health, and the critical role of a supportive community. Plus, get a sneak peek into Russell's upcoming project, "Today, First Entry Edition," and learn how you can be a part of the Move Today 365 movement. Get ready to prioritize what truly matters and maximize every moment for a healthier, happier life.

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Can your family's wellness journey transform your community? Join us for an inspiring conversation with Russell Rogers, the mastermind behind Move Today 365, as he takes us through his transformative path from personal trainer to movement pioneer. Russell's passion for outdoor activities and sports inspired him to create a series of engaging books and monthly walks that encourage families to stay active together. Discover how his initiative is building healthier communities not just locally but across various states and Puerto Rico.

What does it take to keep your family active, rain or shine? This episode is packed with creative ideas for family fitness, from strolling with infants to flying kites and playing sports as kids grow older. Hear personal stories that highlight the importance of family time and unity, no matter the weather. Explore practical solutions for adverse conditions, such as mall walking or home stair runs, and be inspired by real-life examples of families achieving fitness goals together.

Ever wondered how simple actions can impact your mental health? Russell and I delve into the power of integrating physical activity and social interactions into daily routines to manage stress and improve well-being. We discuss balancing busy schedules with personal health, and the critical role of a supportive community. Plus, get a sneak peek into Russell's upcoming project, "Today, First Entry Edition," and learn how you can be a part of the Move Today 365 movement. Get ready to prioritize what truly matters and maximize every moment for a healthier, happier life.

Speaker 1:

What's going on Today? I got my buddy, russell on. We just connected for the first time not too long ago and when I heard a little bit about his story I just knew I needed to connect with him and share a little bit about what he's going on. So I knew he'd be a perfect fit for the show. And, russell, you're on. Thank you for taking this time. I'm happy to have you here. What's going on with you?

Speaker 2:

Hey, Rob, Great to be here. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your show. Things are going great, man. You know I've just the last several months been doing a lot of traveling, a lot of traveling to the East Coast, connecting with people, networking, meeting new faces like yourself, great people like yourself, and all around the country, and it's been a whirlwind tour and it has been so worth it and so busy, but things are kind of calming down for the summer but yet building up and ramping up as far as networking and engagement and meeting new people and just developing, you know, just not only within myself but hopefully into the lives of other people.

Speaker 1:

Nice, dude, I love it. Yeah, summer's a great time for connecting, hanging out, chilling, a little reflection. It's a great time. And you're calling in from the other side of the country, right over in California? Absolutely yeah, santa Cruz to be exact. Nice, nice, nice. Well, before we get too sidetracked, would you mind giving a little introduction about who you are and who you help and what you got going on? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Ruth Rogers. Move Today 365 is kind of the umbrella of what I do and it's been quite a ride for the last I'd say 11 months really, since we launched the books last summer say 11 months really since we launched the books last summer. It's been just amazing to just see people's, hear people's feedback, to connect with people, to hear what people are saying, reading the books. Then the movement of walking and engaging people in monthly walks, engaging people and just getting off the couch and moving. It's been amazing. So I'm just excited to see, you know, meet these people, but to see what is in the near future, you know, for myself, but also impacting the lives of other people, just like you're doing, rob. It's amazing. You know, whether you're on radio, you're on podcast, you're on TV or you're just in the daily life, we all have an ability, an innate ability, to impact somebody's life. If it's just one life a day, then we're doing an amazing work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, I love that. That's some great stuff there. You kind of brushed right over the Move Today 365. Can you mind sharing a little bit about that? What's that whole thing? How did that even get started?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you know, it was a number of years ago when I was I did personal training for baseball and softball athletes and during COVID, all the parks shut down, the schools shut down, and I was just like, well, you know, at this point, what am I going to do? You know, and I have a landscaping business that I was been operating this entire time and so that is continuing, but it was a time to just kind of sit back and say, okay, well, maybe this is a good time, after 20 years of doing personal training, to put that aside and hang up the cleats, if you would say. And so I did. But it was like you know, now, after a year of hanging up the cleats, not training, covid starting to calm down a little bit, parks opening up, you know, schools getting back into session and all that kind of stuff, it was like, what do I want to do, you know? And so I had bought a journal. I went on a flight, and this was, you know, a year and a half later, and on this flight to the East coast, I was just like you know, I, you know, just thoughts started pouring into my head and I started writing and everything, and so, over a period of a year.

Speaker 2:

After writing and everything, I was like I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to write some books and it's going to be about today. And you know these books are amazing because my whole life has been outdoors. It's been sports, it's been activities. You know, I was raised on kind of a ranch so we were always out doing fun things and, you know, making up things right, but we were always outdoors and so you know this was just a part of my life. I played college baseball, played sports in high school, so it was just active lifestyle. And so I wanted to basically give that back into our society today and so wrote the books, launched the books last June. There are five in total and basically it's encouraging families to get outside and do activities together.

Speaker 2:

And then some months later a friend of mine said why don't you take one of those ideas and implement it in real life? So I initially thought, well, maybe what we'll do is a quarterly thing, and so I decided you know I came up with this name Move Today 365, because that's really kind of the whole purpose of what we're about like encouraging people to do it, you know, at least once a month. But let's get going and make it a lifestyle. Let's, you know, engage into activity. So I came up with Move Today 365.

Speaker 2:

And then we started doing these walks last October, in 2023. And we did once a month. On the second Saturday of every month, we get out and promoting in the communities around the country to get out and move. Here in Santa Cruz, we do a two mile walk right on West Cliff. It's beautiful, it's awesome. We go from natural bridges to the lighthouse Community. People come in and friends come in and we walk. And just recently signed up a bunch of new states. So we've got currently about 13 states and two countries Puerto Rico and Germany that are moving with us on the second Saturday of every month. So that's the walks and that's a part of the umbrella of what Move Today 365 is all about.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's awesome. So I got to ask you though so that's a lot of reach you've got going on there, with 13 states in two different countries aside from our country. How do you, how do you have everybody connected for that? Is there a live stream? Is there like a something where people like prove that they're doing something, or is it just kind of like hey, someone said that they're doing something somewhere, kind of thing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you know it's kind of all referral basis. I try to get, at least, you know, one community going in each state and so you know, like initially it's kind of all referral basis.

Speaker 2:

I try to get at least, you know, one community going in each state. And so you know like initially it's kind of tough getting going. But you know I reach out to family members and friends and say, hey, why don't you help do this? And then, through networking, people have heard my message now repeatedly, over and over and over, and you know, like Guillory, you know in your, in your area, you know he said, hey, I want to do this, I want to get this going in Stanford, connecticut.

Speaker 2:

And so when people hear the message they say, yeah, I want to be a part, I said, all right, let's do it, you know. So then I give, I send them a, you know an email that just says, here, here's kind of the idea of what I want you to out. And they say, hey, I've got a friend here like, um, uh, crystal Lord, down in Puerto Rico. I got connected to a friend here in Sunnyvale and so I got a hold of Crystal Lord. She does all of these workouts and stuff down in Puerto Rico and she goes, ah, I got two friends up in Buffalo, they want to be a part. So last month they join in. You know, they go to my website, they buy. You know they wanted to be a part so they bought some athletic gear. You know they're wearing the shirt, so next month, you know more and more people are going to be doing that. So it's really just, you know, people talking, people talking, people talking and getting and spreading the word out about Move Today 365.

Speaker 1:

Nice, nice, nice. Now, what are some of these like, what are the top benefits for getting out there? Obviously moving a little bit, burning some calories, but specifically like with the family, like getting out there, because I know when I was younger my parents used to always be like go outside and go play and they'd be inside doing yard housework or whatever, and I'm outside just rolling around in the dirt and so like, what's the benefits of doing it with the family?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, in our society today, rob, it's whole different than when you grew up, and then way different than when I grew up. I got a little age on yet so the thing about it is is like in today's society, it's all about technology, right, you got video games, you got TV, you've got, you know, devices, all of these things that play into that, that keep people from integrating into movement, right, and the benefits of it. And so, really, when I thought about writing these books, it was like, you know, I've got a message, I've got something that's burning in my heart and I want to get this message out about people coming together. You know, I've shared this story before with those other people, but it's like I was in a restaurant in New York City about a year and a half ago and I sit down, I'm watching college football, I'm by myself, table next to me, people walk up, they sit down, a couple with two, you know, teenage kids, and immediately all four of them get on their devices. There was zero communication going on at the table and I just thought, you know, to me this is a missed opportunity to spend time together. You know, I mean, yeah, they're probably visiting from, you know somewhere around the country or around the world, into New York City. But it was just amazing that this is the society that we're in, because, you know, we're all guilty of it at some point, like we're getting on our phones.

Speaker 2:

I see it here. I live at the beach and I see people that are disconnected from their kids, just like you were describing about. You know, hey, go out there and play, you know, and we're going to, you know, we're going to stay in here and do our thing. I stay right here on the beach where people are just disconnected from their kids and kids are out there playing. Parents are lounging, relaxing, and I get it, we all got to have our time of relaxation, but it's a time to build memories, it's a time to build family, it's a time to come together and do active stuff, and so when I'm looking at doing this, I'm like we got to get outside and let's spend time together, and it's not just families, because the walks are about community.

Speaker 2:

It's about communities coming together and people coming together, and you meet different people each and every month, you know. I mean I've been out there with 25 people and I've been out there by myself. You know it was a blistery day and it was raining and I'm like I'm still doing this, I'm gearing up, I'm going, you know, and so I had a great talking with myself for those two miles. But you know, it's really about connecting with new people in your community and just people coming together and it's awesome and it's a great time for families to just say, hey, for this hour, let's get out and let's hang out together and let's walk and let's meet some new people and get some exercise along the way. So there's a lot of benefits to it.

Speaker 1:

Nice yeah, I love that.

Speaker 2:

So what are some of the other activities that you have in the books? Is it just mostly like, hey, just get out there and do some? They're putting the infant into, you know, their backpack or front sack, or putting them, you know, into you know, their stroller or whatever, and they're doing different activities. So they're walking and so you're active with your child, even though your child, you know, can't do anything at six months old. Right, but the parents are getting out there and being active. And then, as the child ages, those activities change because, you know, they get two, they get three, they're starting to learn how to ride a scooter, they're learning how to ride a bike, you know taking their kid out to go fishing. You know flying a kite, all of these things as a kid gets a little bit older, starting to connect with people in the neighborhood, other kids in the neighborhood, kids coming together, you know, playing tag in the front yard, kicking the ball around, playing soccer, playing baseball, whatever it is. It's all the different types of activities.

Speaker 2:

So these are not rocket science ideas, but these are great ideas that just remind people yeah, hey, let's get out and do something. You know summer is coming, let's take advantage while the kids are at home from school, or if the kids are young, because you got you know different ages and stuff. But we can still do this as a family. We can get out there and have a great time and we can go to the beach and build a sandcastle or build a fort or build a bonfire. You know, these are just, these are everyday activities that people may not think about, but they're here in the books to say you know what? It's a great time to get outside and be active together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's so true, and so I'm guessing this whole thing stemmed because of the personal training background. But where did the family aspect come from? So I get the activity part, but what about?

Speaker 2:

family. We're quite a bit older. I was the youngest of four, so my next oldest brother was seven years older than I. But my family, they were a Christian family. We went to church together part of a youth group. We had a strong youth group of a couple hundred people and kids, and so we did a lot of activities together. Our family was constantly doing things together boating, fishing, baseball, softball. I'd go and watch my parents play. They'd come to my games. You know they didn't miss any games. So everything that we did we did as a unit, we did as a family, and so this was really important in my upbringing.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I know a lot of people there have that kind of upbringing, but there are a lot of kids, you know, in society today who don't have that benefit. You know it could be a single parent. You know it could be adoption, it could be. You know there's a lot of things. You know kids that don't have any parents, that are raised by a grandparent. But the most important thing is that you as a unit come together and spend that quality time together and put away those things you know in disjointed families, you know, put away the things that are really causing you to be separate in your family home, and this is a great opportunity to take advantage and get outside and just enjoy the great weather. And even if it's bad weather, there are things that you can do as a unit, as a family, to create activity and be active. Do as a unit, as a family, to create activity and be active.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would imagine the weather puts a huge challenge on a lot of things. So when the weather's not going well, what are some things that they can do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, malls are a great thing. You know, people can go and be active, walk around the mall, and a lot of people do that. I mean, even here in California, where the weather's good for the most, you know, for the better part of the year, people still go there, especially seniors, because it's a safe environment for them to go to. It's a, you know, it's an even surface, flat surface, so it's a great if it's a rainy day, if it's a snowy day, like on the East Coast. You know a mall is a great place, a gym. You know you can walk in your house, you can.

Speaker 2:

I had one friend, renee, who one day on our walks it was snowing outside and so she she ran stairs in her house, up and down the stairs and I thought you know, this is fabulous. You know people are getting out. But you know it was funny because years ago I had a buddy that lived in Eugene, oregon, and I went up to visit him and his wife and it rained man all weekend long. And he goes you want to go throw the football around? I'm like dude, it's dumping rain. He goes. If we wait for the rain to stop, we'll never go. And I go, hey, valid point man Valid point.

Speaker 2:

So you know, I know the East Coasters have a different type of rain gear and snow gear and some people don't mind going out and walking in the snow, but there are definitely alternatives, if you think about it. Um, I had another friend that him and his wife decided they were going to do 10,000 steps a day, which, uh, is not no easy task, and so they live out in the woods but they would walk at night, you know, and just to get in those 10,000 steps a day. And I think he went six months without missing 10,000 steps every single day. It was amazing. Yeah, it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is great, that is crazy. I try every, every so often I do a step challenge with a lot of my clients and friends and, uh, community, just to kind of get people up, walk in and kind of get paying attention to their daily step counts. And uh, there are times where the weather's not the greatest and I'm on coaching calls all day, so I'm kind of stuck in the apartment. But I'll, I'll throw my headphones on and I'll just walk around my, uh, my apartment. I just walk the perimeter as many times as I can and just do whatever I can, um, just to kind of keep active.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, sometimes it's once, once it's pretty easy to kind of default to the oh no, I don't want to, or it's it's hard work to find a new solution or something like that. So I think the community aspect helps with that even more so, Absolutely Holding people accountable and checking in with people like, hey, how are you doing? This is what we're doing this weekend, and such like that. So I love that you're growing this and it's getting to everybody pretty much worldwide. So I got to ask you what's your?

Speaker 2:

ultimate goal with this? Well, my ultimate goal is to have all 50 states moving. So, um, you know one of the hashtags is 50 states moving together. Um, and that's really the ultimate goal. If we, if we can move into other countries which we already have, um, you know it's, it's fantastic, but really I want to see all 50 states moving and, um, but not only just 50 states, but I want to see all 50 states moving, but not only just 50 states, but I want to see as many of the communities that we have, because obviously we know there are thousands of communities.

Speaker 2:

So, as we spread the word, as we grow the word and get this message out about Move Today, 365, the walks, it's so important that this becomes an integral part of our life, not just once a month. I mean, it's something to build up to, you know, for that one time a month, but really it's more about it, because if you think about the message of Move Today, 365, that's just one day of 30, right? So let's do something every day, every other day, just something to get out there and move, because it's so important for our body function and our mental state uh, you know, for us to survive and to be healthy yeah, there's too many times where, cooped up in my own apartment and and I'm just breathing in recycle there and and I'm limited on my sunlight and it just drives me insane.

Speaker 1:

So I I get outside, at least walk around a little bit like um, feeling the ground, the grass, whatever I can, just to just to get some kind of activity outside, some sort of movement. Um and I know it just makes me feel like a million times, Absolutely, I mean you.

Speaker 2:

You know this is a mental uh, awareness, mental illness month, um, and so when you think about that and the people that struggle, you know, with mental illness, you know one of the greatest things that you can do is to step outside. One of the greatest things that you can do is step outside and talk with people, be with people, integrate with people. Those are some of the greatest tools and the most simplest of things that we could do in our every single day of life. When you think about stress of work and you think about anxiety, you think about all of that clearness of mind.

Speaker 2:

You know those are things that we struggle with in everyday life, but it's the clarity, it's the vitamin D that we need in our lives, but it's the movement that we need in our lives that really get us apart from our work, get us apart from, you know, the stress and the anxiety and the illnesses that are causing that are rising in our communities today. And I was like, well, let's get out and move, let's get out and be active, you know, and let's meet people. I mean some people, you know getting anxious about talking with others or groups or whatever, but just get with one-on-one and be encouraged right To get out there and just have some good conversation and get some steps in, or or bike, or hike or whatever you want to do, depending on you know where you're at, you know walking around the block in the city, you know, uh, all of these things are super important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I got to ask you though, because, um, how do you, how do you find time to grow this movement and connect with people and do all these things while you're still kind of working and things like that? How do you prioritize making sure of this? Because I know a lot of listeners here, I hear it a lot from a lot of my clients and people. It's like, oh, I just don't have the time to get in, I can't get out there, I can't balance this or that, and usually that's when your personal life and your health kind of takes a back seat, because you're busy building, whatever your side hustle is, whatever your business is, whatever your project of the time might be. But how do you balance that?

Speaker 2:

That's a great question. So, basically, because I really have two full-time jobs and so when I wake up, the thing about it is, rob, is that every day we all wake up and we have a choice immediately the first thing that we do when we wake up we can hit the snooze, we can close our eyes and meditate, we can go make coffee, we can have breakfast, we can jump in the car, get our bag and go to the gym. We can put on our shoes and we can take a walk. There are many decisions that we can do. First thing that we're faced with every single morning what are we going to do? Some people, you know they're regimented, they do this every day Like it's clockwork. I set the alarm, I'm up at five and I do this. I make my coffee. I, you know, jump in the shower or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But we're faced with choices every day and you know, for me, some people like to get up in the morning and they like to, you know, jump. You know jump in the car, go to the gym or whatever. And I'm not that guy, I am not the guy that likes to work out in the morning. My time is in the afternoon. So you know, it really comes down to choices and decisions that we make. It really comes down to what am I going to put in my body, what am I going to eat?

Speaker 2:

It's decisions, and we're faced with these all day, with different facets of life. And so you know, taking my landscape business, taking my time for, you know, the books, taking time for the walks, and then on top of that, you know, there's posting and there's content and there's getting all of that out. So my day is really consumed with a lot of stuff. But if I don't get to the garage and work out, if I don't take a walk, if I don't go down to the beach and spend an hour down there, you know, breathing in the ocean air, listening to the waves, if I don't do something about every single day that stress and that anxiety can really be around for my grandkids.

Speaker 2:

But I want to be healthy myself, and so you know it's important that when you make these choices and these decisions in your life, that you make activity a major part, just like sleeping, just like eating, just like watching television, just like you know the simple things of working. But you know activity has got to be a part of your daily life. It doesn't have to be an hour. It could be 10 minutes, it can be 15 minutes, it could be 30 minutes, but just take that time to do it and build it into your life so that you can prioritize all of those things that are important. Find that slot that you can do. So, you know, managing the business, managing the books, managing all that it really comes down to decision-making and really laying out a good organizational plan for myself. That helps me throughout the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that, the whole aspect of having a plan, being proactive with your schedule, with your priorities. Just making sure that you plan and things for the time being, but eventually it's going to catch up to you, absolutely it always will. So you can't outrun that. So you have to prioritize yourself and things that you genuinely want to be doing. That's right. And making sure that you're surrounded with other people. I know I kind of touched on this a second ago about the community aspect, but just making sure that, even if you're not aligned or you don't have the time, make sure you start connecting with other individuals who do prioritize, because the further you hang out with those guys, the more then your priority is going to shift and reflect kind of like theirs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know my college baseball coach, john Scalinas, cal Poly Pomona. You know he said the five most important words is to surround yourself with good people, he goes if you want to be a loser in life, then hang out with losers. You want to be a winner in life and hang out with winners. You want to succeed in life and hang out with people who have succeeded. You know. So it really depends, you know, on on that level of where you want to be and, like you know, when I've gone to these events here recently, you know, like A to B in Stanford, in your backyard, you know you're hanging out with people that are in their 20s, all the way up till mid-60s, who are successful in different aspects and different ways of life at different ages, you know, in their timeline of their life. And it's awesome because these are people that want to succeed. These are people that want to make a difference in life in their communities around the world, teaching, you know, and doing the things that they're going to do to really impact people. And you know they're winners.

Speaker 2:

Everybody in that room was winners. There's 250 winners in that room, you know, and it's just awesome. And so those are the kind of people like for me, that I want to be with, that, I want to connect with that are going to take me to another level. You know in my life, whether it's my daily living or whether it's my career or whatever it may be, but you know, like my coach says, you want to hang out with losers. You want to be a loser and hang out with them. You want to be a winner, you want to succeed. Then hang out with people that want to win and who want to succeed.

Speaker 1:

I got to ask you this question, though, because I feel like most people want to hang out with winners. But how do you, how do you locate winners? How do you, if you are someone and you, you realize that you're hanging out with people who aren't doing the best that they should be doing, or they're holding you back, or something like that, how do you get around more?

Speaker 2:

You know, so you can read books right. You can see people who are successful in life and do that. You may not know them personally, but you can do that. When you talk about business people in your community, you can look and see who is successful, who are successful people in your community. Reach out to those people, try to have coffee with them or whatever, to really get a conversation In our world. It's interesting because people are putting together different conferences, different seminars, so you can attach yourself to that. But you've got to find people that are successful in your community, that even if you're not going to these seminars or whatever, there are successful people that are running businesses, that are running restaurants, and you just got to be proactive and make that time.

Speaker 2:

I know that you know a friend, a mutual friend of ours, dylan Smith. You know he's like 23 years old. He makes it happen. He found Craig Siegel and like he haunted him for a year saying I want to learn all about you and I want to learn how you're becoming successful and your successes. And so he did. And you know, here this kid is at 23,. That's just. You know, kill it, man. He's just doing a great bang up job and um. So you know, if you have that internal motivation to want to succeed and hang around people, they're everywhere, they're everywhere.

Speaker 1:

You just got to reach out. It's just got to open the eyes absolutely reach out, absolutely yeah um. So I want to ask you I want to bring it over to your books, because you mentioned the books, they're specifically for family, um, for the kids, different ages. Um, what's going on with those? I know you got out You're coming up on a year anniversary of those books, that's correct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So last June 2023, launched five books called Today and they're for the first five years of a kid's life, so each book is for one year, all the way until five, and again they are about encouraging families to get outside and do activities together. So I was thinking about a project, you know for this year and you know I really wanted. Those are paperback books that are like eight by eight. I wanted to do a hardback book and so I decided that I was going to do a one-year anniversary book. I was going to take these five books, make them into a hardback book, enlarge the size, put a new cover on it, put a new dedication, but then also, at the bottom of each page, has three activities that coordinate with the picture that's on that page.

Speaker 2:

So let's say, you know the picture is about going out and fishing with your mom and dad or with your grandma and grandpa. Then associated with that are three suggested activities at the bottom so that people can do, and there's a checkbox. You can check it, you can write your initials, you could date it, you can put a sticker, whatever it is, to say, yeah, we did this. You know we could date it and say, yeah, we did it in the summer of 2024. How cool is that Right? So it's just like you've got the picture. You got the idea, but at the bottom of the page, on the anniversary book which comes out June 8th 2024, is a book that's called again called Today, first entry edition. You can find it on my website at, or you can go to Amazon and find it there as well, but it's I'm so excited about this book and you know it's just gaining momentum and I just love being able to just get out there and tell people not only about the book but what the purpose of the book is all about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love that too, because I know all of our listeners here they've got their side hustles, projects going on and, yeah, it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

A lot of them know we've been listening for a little while.

Speaker 1:

That it's that.

Speaker 1:

I really stress the importance of getting out, challenging yourself, moving, being active.

Speaker 1:

I really stress the importance of getting out, challenging yourself, moving, being active. But I love the whole bringing the family aspect into it, because I talk about networking all the time and connecting with other people, but I don't think I share enough about connecting with your family and utilizing and tapping into your own home community people that you're around and making sure that you're doing things with them, because it's easy to charge up doing other things and getting excited. But you gotta you gotta also turn that inward and connect with the kids and significant others and and I love that you're creating a tool here that, uh, so many people can utilize to just empower themselves and and and help them energize to create a better impact on the world. So it's really powerful stuff. I know you shared your website real quick right there, but is that the best place for people to go to get connected if they're interested in tapping in and or starting like a new branch in their community? Or how do they get involved with Move Today 365, the movement?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great question. So, yes, is where you can go. You can find the books there. You can find the dates for the walks that happen each and every month. You can find podcasts like this In the near future, there's athletic gear that you can buy the t-shirt, the sweatshirt, the hat, you know stickers Moved Today 365. Then you can find me on Instagram as well, at Moved Today 365. Or just look me up as Russell Rogers on Facebook. You can connect with me in any one of those ways. You can DM me, you can hashtag me with your photos. But if you're interested in being a part of our walks, definitely, definitely, hit me up at. You can send me an email or DM me on my Instagram. My email is movetoday365 at yahoocom.

Speaker 1:

Dude, love it. There you go, guys. Grab the books, tap in on social media, hit up the website, get some of the gear and, most importantly, just get out there, start moving. Grab somebody you love. Grab somebody else to connect with. Just get out there, start moving. Grab somebody you love. Grab somebody else connect with. Just get out, move around, touch base with other people and just continue to be active and enjoy the world while it's still here bright, awesome weather and everything. And, russell man, I appreciate you. I love what you're doing. I align with it so strongly. A lot of the same values that you stand for. I see it with myself and my own business and things like that. So I really appreciate you taking the time. I know you've got multiple jobs and projects, so it means a lot for you to hop on today. But I do want to be curious. To your time and before I let you go, I got to ask you what would be your number one piece of advice to survive the side hustle.

Speaker 2:

You know there's a thing called time that we have, that we all get, and we don't know when that clock is going to end. But you know what? And the most important thing is to take advantage of every opportunity that you have, every moment that you have. It doesn't mean that you've got to be busy, busy, busy, busy all the way to the end, but you know, if I could just encourage all the listeners that are out there, you know, with your side hustle and the challenges, it's all about time. The challenge is about time, but the productivity is about time. Take advantage of those times.

Speaker 2:

If you have, you know, a full-time gig or you're working you're working 80 hours a week or whatever make the time for the things that are important for you and really dedicate your lives to really being productive, but really building yourself up, because if you don't build yourself up, then you're going to fall flat on your face. Everybody has to have somebody speaking into your life, a mentor. You got to be reading books, you got to be listening to podcasts like Rob's, but it's really, really important. But we're all given time and that time is going to come to an end one day for all of us, because it's undefeated. Take advantage of the time that you have now and get going on your productivity and take advantage of every moment that you have.

Speaker 1:

Boom, magic man, fire, fire, fire. There you go, guys, how to do it and how to stay connected. You guys got it. Russell man, thank you so much. I appreciate everything you're doing, appreciate it, Rob.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me on.

Speaker 1:

All right guys, Peace, peace, peace.

Connecting Through Movement
Family Fitness
Choosing Winners, Building Success
Empowering Family Connection Through Movement
Maximizing Personal Productivity